14 October, 2009


Ok, so I felt the need to spice up my blog and change the name. I am now ms.SkinnyBitchKabs!
HAHA cos thats me; a skinny bitch! (not in a vain way).
Here is one of my pics for ya... I'll upload the rest tomorrow when I can kick my sis out of her own room to use her computer.
My computer died graciously from the power box exploding.

heart skinny bitch x


luvieur said...

i felt lost and confused - like a lost kid in the markets!! ):

why oh why did you change your blog name?

ps: u two look cute with matchingish sunnies (: haha

♥ kabs said...

haha kabs was too short... and i think skinny bitch is funny :)

♥ kabs said...

haha, yea and the sunnies, he copied me that copycat!

also babe, you are online really late! yeah, me too i know.

good night X